Cookie policy

The website’s user is informed that the website uses cookies during his or her online experience. The page below allows you to understand how cookies operate and how to configure them.

1. What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file containing information stored on the terminal used to visit the website (computer, tablet, smartphone).

A cookie can contain various information:

There are two kinds of cookies:

Cookies are neither spyware nor viruses and can’t identify you personally. The browser you use to visit a website allows you to accept or refuse cookies (see below).

2. Why do we use cookies?

The website uses cookies to improve your navigation. uses the following types of cookies; their purpose is described below:

Intern cookies

Intern cookies are used by the website and can only be read by the site itself.

Third party cookies

Third party cookies are used by third-party organisations which provide us with various services. For example, we ask for the services of external analysts who use cookies in our name to identify the most visited websites as well as the ones less liked. The site you visit may include content from a third party website, like YouTube, and that website may use its own cookies.

Strictly necessary cookies

These cookies are required for the operation of our website. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our website, which can’t work correctly without them.

Name Purpose Expiry date
rgpd-consent Used to allow third-party functions and services in general. 30 days
rgpd-allow-analytics Used to activate the Google Analytics statistics services. 30 days
ga-disable-UA-107888378-1 Used to prevent cookies from being sent to Google Analytics. 30 days
rgpd-visited Used to find out if it’s the user’s first visit or not and apply or not implied consent through the continuation of the navigation. 30 days
pll_language This cookie remembers the language selected by the user when he comes back to visit the website. 1 year

Analytical cookies

These cookies allow us to collect information on how visitors move around our website when they are using it (for example number of page views, connection time, most visited pages, etc.). uses Google Analytics for web analytics, a solution developed by Google Inc. The collected data refer to your navigation on the site and your IP address which determines your geographic location and is anonymised after being identified.

_ga Used by Analytics to save a unique identifier used to generate statistical data on how visitors move around the website. 2 years
_gat Used by Google Analytics to radically reduce the requests ratio. Session time
_gid Used by Analytics to save a unique identifier used to generate statistical data on how visitors move around the website. Session time

3. How to configure cookies?

You can manage, allow or refute cookies through the browser’s configuration or an advertising cookies configuration platform.

3.1 Manage cookies by configuring your browser

Click on the corresponding link to set your browser: would like to bring your attention to the fact that by configuring your cookies on the browser, some of the website’s functions may not be completely accessible.

3.2 Manage advertising cookies through a platform also informs you of the existence of a platform regrouping online advertising professionals. It provides the internet users with a tool to help manage the rejection of cookies from member companies.